Remote Masterminds
Backstory: Working from home can be tough sometimes, especially when you’re a freelancer/solopreneur. I wish I had a group of people to talk to once per week and just discuss ideas and our businesses together.
The Idea: Remote Masterminds. An online group of remote workers that meet once per week.
Deep Dive: As the founder, you would be the one responsible with providing these remote workers and solopreneurs with a great experience. Ideally, members of the community could meet up in there respective “mastermind” groups each week. You would facilitate discussion each week, and provide resources and things for each group to talk about.
Validation: I’ve heard from countless remote workers that are unsatisfied with typical networking groups. Many of them just want to talk business, and not have to network and sell things to people all of the time. When solopreneurs and remote workers are on their own, they need someone to bounce ideas off of.
Monetization: This would be a recurring subscription. Ideally, you’d charge per quarter.
Steps to Launch: I’d start by bootstrapping. Use Zoom for the video calls, Slack for after-hour discussions, and maybe a simple CMS like Notion that the community can start growing with. Make sure you communicate well through your email list, and facilitate discussion. You don’t want an empty room. This sounds like something that can do really well by launching on Product Hunt.