Backstory: About a week ago, I took an Uber in downtown Baltimore. I always try to talk to my driver. Sometimes they don't feel like talking and I stop there. Other times, It makes for a great conversation.
Anyways, this Uber driver ended up asking what I do for work. I told him that I was a consultant, but that I was starting an email newsletter for entrepreneurs and sending out free startup ideas.
I asked him if he had any ideas, and I got a good one...he said something like this:
"I am an Uber driver, a Lyft driver, and I even do some freelancing on the site. Lots of gigs. I spent a lot of time keeping track of the tasks I do and the money earned from various sites and sources. It's a pain. It would be awesome if there was an app that automatically aggregated my different sources of income and put it into one spreadsheet."
I thanked him for such a great idea, and asked him if I could put this idea in my newsletter. So thank Jeremy for this idea!
Deep Dive:
The market for this is growing. A lot of people are working for themselves now and doing multiple things to make a living. Here's some possible features of this app:
Validation: The gig economy is growing fast and this came from a real gig worker.
Monetization: You could do the freemium route here, offering tracking for one job for free and charging a small monthly fee for multiple jobs.