Idea #



Emergency Blueprints

February 22, 2019

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Backstory: Walking through Baltimore the other night, I noticed a lot of those "find my pet" incase of emergency. That got me thinking about what's a better version of those stickers?

The Idea: A blueprint of your house so first responders can find you in case of an emergency.

Deep Dive: This would be a non-profit/government grant application. You are targeting first responders to help find people in need, fast. Security would be important to not allow anyone else have access.

When building the app, you could leverage a drawing library to give users the ability to draw a 2d layout of the their house. Users would be able to label their pets, bedrooms, number of people and their ages. This would give first responders the ability to review the blueprints while they are driving to the house. Users could also create an account for the elderly parents.

Validation: This would be an evolution in the pet stickers on windows.

Monetization: This one would be funded by grants so there would be enough to cover payrolls but this is not the wall street unicorn.