Idea #



Artwork Exchange

September 4, 2018

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Backstory: Julia and I moved to the city two months ago and we've made a few friends and visited their homes. While at a friend's house for dinner, we got to chatting about artwork on their walls. Half of their art was sentimental the rest was purchased at Ikea, Overstock or another random big box store. They mentioned wanting to swap out some of the pieces but were discouraged because of the amount of work to find something new and sell their old paintings.

The Idea: A peer to peer platform for home artwork exchange.

Deep Dive: A user can take pictures of their artwork on the wall and it's always up for "exchange." Anyone can offer to swap pieces at anytime if your artwork is posted publicly.

Users could set their preferences to ship or only swap locally. Allowing users to swap locally would start forming a sense of community inside the application.

Validation: Half of our art on the walls is purchased from random places as well and holds little value. We've moved so many times most of it doesn't match the walls but it's not a high enough priority to change. A artwork swapping network would be fun!

Monetization: You could post referral links to the art on each page indicating the user can buy the art instead of trading for it.